The game revolves around the story of dragons who use to rule the humankind but due to some brave hearts, that rule ended. Few seconds of the game and you will realize how perfect Sdorica Sunset is. Yes, you can play this amazing game on your PCs and Laptops as well. In this guide, we aim to help you get Sdorica Sunset for PC (Windows and Mac). What this shows is that Sdorica Sunset has loads of things to amaze us. The word Sdorica refers to both the land where the game takes place as well as the name of an ancient dragon. Before we start with our take on the gameplay, let me reveal the mystery behind the name of game. Like the previous game, Sdorica Sunset is role playing game and will leave you in awe.
It is the most awaited game as players around the world were amazed by Rayark’s previous masterpiece, Implosion. Rayark, best known for its gorgeous sci-fi action games has launched another amazing game called Sdorica Sunset.